Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ceaseless Sound of the Shofar

Ceaseless Sound of the Shofar

Arthur L. Finkle

The great Hassidic master, Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev (Michael Chusid’s descendent), taught:

There are those who hear the Shofar on Rosh HaShana, and then continue to hear the Shofar every day of the year. But there are those, on an even higher level, who heard the Shofar at the Revelation at Mt. Sinai, and who continue to hear that Shofar every day of their lives.

 Rabbi Marc Angel

What did this mystical master mean? He declared that those who hear the Shofar as a Warning, stirring, a wake up call, a call to repentance and an alarm will continue to hear this sound throughout the year in terms of possessing the attributes that the Shofar bestirs.

For those hearing the ceaseless sound of the Shofar in a different spiritual dimension have possessed these attributes from the time of Mount Sinai (when God presented revelation and a guide of principles b which to measure your moral life) to today and for evermore.

Indeed, the mystics believe that Rosh Hashanah, the feast of the blasts of the Shofar, takes away some of the light of the world to regenerate souls to achieve powers that they never would have achieved had there not been the shofar blasts.

Jewish Mysticism has been of major historical importance in the development of Western Esoteric traditions since the Renaissance. The phenomenon of "Christian Kabbalah" is a central phenomenon, reciproly influencing Jewish mysticism in the modern period.

In this system, the heavenly imperative is sensed even though not having a physical presence.

Another chasisdic teaching is that, although there are differing sounds from the Shofar, (short staccato sounds  and other extended, unbroken sounds), the Torah tells us to do teru’ah on Rosh Hashanah, which by its word,  suggests making broken sounds, or sounds that break obstacles.
Yet, with regard to the Great Shofar of the future Redemption, it says “On that day the Great Shofar will be takia,” alluding to the unbroken, drawn-out sound called tekiah. This is a sound of strength and confidence, rather than brokenness. “Tekiah” comes from the word teka, which can mean physical intimacy or coupling. (Bavli Talmud, Yevamos, 54a.) Therefore it’s a sound that “gathers” and unites.

In the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, the shofar was blown even on the Sabbath because there the state of bitul (neglect) so penetrating that there was no separateness at all. Everyone’s existence simply expressed Divine desire, whatever it may be—to act or not to act was the same.

What does this say about the Shofar as an instrumentality of yearning for God’s will? The Shofar, indeed, is a reminder, a symbol of awareness that there is much more to this world than its material pleasure and even its hurts. It reminds us of the sublime ecstasy of revelation and being at one with our Maker.

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