Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Welcome to the Shofar Sounders' Reference

I created this blog to discuss anything about the shofar: history, sounding, music, purchasing, etc.


Art Finkle

Navigation by WebRing.


Trenton Jewish Historical Society said...


The shofar was polayed in the Temple. Later it also was used as a call to worship in medieval days.

What denomination?


Trenton Jewish Historical Society said...

Iniatially, the Shofar calls were used in the Temple sacrificial cult.

Later, in some communities, the Shofar calls were used as a call to worship.

What denomination?


Unknown said...

2 friends wants me to blow my shofar at their wedding and i was wondering when the appropriate times during the wedding would be to blow my shofar if you have any answers to they would be helpful thankyou and god bless