Shofar as Factory Whistle

Shofar as Factory Whistle
Arthur L. Finkle

Was the factory whistle an invention of ancient Jewish practices. The Babylonian Talmud at 35b(3) states
The academy of Rabbi Yishmael taught: On Friday afternoon we sound six shofar blasts announcing the arrival of the Sabbath.

Rabbi Yishmael  (90-135 CE,) was a Tanna of the 1st and 2nd centuries (third Tannaitic generation). His studied with Rabbi Akiva. After their deaths, the students of these two giants continued their learning in the name of their famous teachers.

The Tanna ("repeaters"; "teachers") were the Rabbinic sages whose views are recorded in the Mishnah, from approximately 10-220 CE., also referred to as the Mishnaic period, lasted about 210 years. The first blast call those who are working in the outer fields to return to their homes to welcome the Sabbath. These outer workers would then meet the workers in the closer fields to enter the town together.

The second blast commands commerce  to cease to welcome the Sabbath. At home, hot water would be heating pots.

The third blast commanded to remove the heating pots (because one cannot utilize fire for cokk9ogn on the Sabbath) and to insulate food one would need for tomorrow’s meal.
After the third blast, the Ball Tekiah (Shofar Blower) would wait the duration of to roast a small fish over a fire or enough time to attach bread to the walls of the oven.

As a final alarm, the Shofar Sounder (who is attached to the synagogue) ends his blasts with ta Tekiah, Teruah and another Tekiah commencing the Sabbath.

Thus we have six blasts as there are working days in the week. For the seventh you shall rest.

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